Use me for your Company formation and I will not only form your Company but also register you for any taxes you need (Corporation Tax, VAT and PAYE) all for £60 (£50 + VAT).
This fee includes the £12 Companies House fee.
What do I need?
Company Name
Registered Office (can be my office for no extra cost)
For each Director:
- Full Name
- Residential Address
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Occupation
- National Insurance Number
- Phone Number
- Eye Colour
Details of the shares:
For each Shareholder:
- Full Name
- Residential Address
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- Number of shares issued to that shareholder.
Simply drop me an email with the above details; I will then forward the bank details to you for payment and when payment is received I will form the Company for you.